Is Your Place Available?

One thing I’m getting really tired of is when prospective guests write in and say something like this… We received this message this morning and it’s a perfect example of one message we get way too often:

“Hi there,

A friend and I are coming to New York next weekend for a convention and I was wondering if the accomadion [sic] was still available?”

Well, of course it’s still available or Airbnb wouldn’t let you inquiry about it!  I mean, can’t people see the CALENDAR that Airbnb helpfully posts on each listing?  Don’t they have the vaguest clue how Airbnb works?  When you search on a place, you have to put in the dates you’re going to stay, and Airbnb only shows you places that are available for those dates!  It availabilityseems pretty obvious – so why does almost everybody write in asking “if the place is still available”?  And if they really don’t know, then why don’t they just try to make the reservation?  If the place isn’t available Airbnb won’t let you reserve it.

Seriously, it’s really annoying answering this same question over and over and over again.  And I know I sound like a cranky host even bringing this up… but this does make me cranky!!

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